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Super Air Knife Fits Like A Glove

Super Air Knives in blow off application
Super Air Knives in blow off application

Our Air Knives (all styles – Super, Standard, and Full Flow) have long-been a go-to favorite for blow off applications.  The concentrated, laminar airflow provides a powerful blow off with minimal compressed air use.  And, our knives are quiet, easy to install, and ready to ship from stock.

Notice the cutout on the plexiglass and conveyor rails for the Super Air Knives


Product moving through the blow off area

So, when a customer sent me the photos above showing our 12” Aluminum Super Air Knife (model 110012) performing a blow off function in their application, it was a “normal” sight to see.  But, the way these knives are integrated into the application is a little different than most apps.  Usually the knives are installed in a similar fashion, but without an enclosed blow off area, and without the specially machined cutouts to accommodate the installation angle of the knives.

These specifics are great to see, albeit that there may be some lower level of entrainment with this setup.  Nevertheless, even at possible non-optimal performance, these knives are performing flawlessly.  The only need from the end user was to get more knives for a new conveyor line.

Custom setup isn’t a requirement for our products; in fact, most applications require little specialized installation.  And, to assist with getting our Air Knives articulated to the exact location necessary, we have our Universal Air Knife Mounting System.  The Universal Air Knife Mounting System will allow installation at any angle at extensions up to 30″.

If you have an application you’d like to discuss, whether a custom setup or using off-the-shelf products, we’re always here to help.

Lee Evans
Application Engineer

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